Thursday, July 5, 2012

Black Paris Profiles™: Bob Tomlinson

Bob Tomlinson is an artist, a retired French professor, and a long-time Paris resident who made the City of Light his home “by accident”! He lived in Paris during the 1968 uprising, moved away for several years, and then came back and established permanent residency in the city. I am pleased to include his unique and fascinating story in the Black Paris Profiles™ series.

Bob Tomlinson and Anna Comnena (The Screaming Woman)
(2008) Oil and collage on canvas

Robert (Bob) Tomlinson first visited Paris in June 1963. His original, highly romantic intention was to live and paint for a year in a Spanish fishing village, but he was dissuaded from this dream when he actually saw life under the dictator Franco. Though Spain was even more economically stressed at that time than it is today and Americans could live very well on their dollars, Bob found the situation depressing. He realized that he was ready to return to the U.S. but was embarrassed to return so quickly, so he decided to stay “somewhere” for a few months.


Black Paris Profiles is now available on Kindle.  Only excerpts are available on this blog.
To get your copy of Black Paris Profiles, click HERE.


Entrée to Black Paris!™ is a Discover Paris! blog.

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